You all know till now I am an Instagram addict and I am sure so are you. I love reading quotes, watching videos on Instagram and sharing it with my friends. A perfect pastime for sure. However, this pastime of mine has introduced me to many Waoo! Instagram accounts, then may it be IG handles of bloggers, influencers, brands or even a meme page. There is so much to explore, isn’t it?
My one such favorite account is the Glamrada. From styling tips to celebrity looks to fun facts and more they have everything which your girl gang would enjoy. I love sharing these not only with my girl friends but also with my guy friends. How cool right? They also have a website besides an Instagram account.
Now, talking about Glamrada's website, it is an online beauty community where one can read & review skincare & makeup products, share honest opinion with brands & fellow members of the community. Anything from a regretful purchases to a new obsession. Depending upon how active you are, you could be a part of their trial squad, where you get to test products from the featured brand for free & in turn you are expected to write a genuine review on their website.
Interesting isn’t it?
Here is a glimpse of Glamrada’s Instagram - @glamradaofficial

Glamrada website -
Coming to its other social media handle you can also enjoy Glamrada on Twitter (GlamradaO) as well as Facebook (@glamradaofficial ).
Glamrada is quite a fun site to read blogs on, refer best products and even to shop them. Genuine reviews from genuine people, if you are a person who is always stuck in a quest whether to buy this or that, whether this product is good or bad then Glamrada is the perfect place for you.
Nikita Keskar