Tips And Tricks For Beautiful Nails


Everyone loves having beautiful nails and hands. Nail’s shape, it’s strength, and it’s look reflects your persona in a way and shows how hygienic and self-caring you are. Unfortunately, our hands come in contact with many things which mar the beauty of our nails. In order to maintain the beauty of your hands, you should follow a specific care routine according to your need.
We hear and read a lot about how to do manicures and pedicures and various other techniques to maintain beautiful nails, today let me tell you a little more in depth about how to get beautiful nails that are also strong. Here are a few tips and tricks to keep your nails and hands always beautiful.
  1. Make your nail polish last longer by using vinegar. Yes! Just take vinegar on cotton balls and swipe it on your unpolished nails and then apply nail polish. By doing this, your nail polish will stay longer on your nails.
  2. To avoid brittle nails, give them a salt bath.
    • Add four tablespoons of sea salt (ordinary salt which we add to our food) in one litre of water and soak for 15 minutes.
    • Afterwards dry your hands and apply cuticle softener on your nails
    1. If your nails are becoming yellow, give them a chamomile bath. It is very helpful.
    • Add a few spoons of dry chamomile blossom (you can get these from stores that stock aroma products) to two cups of water and brew it for 20 minutes and then dip your nails in it for 15-20 minutes .
    • Do it three times a week and combine it with lemon juice rubs for better results.
    1. For brightening your nails, use rose water combined with glycerin and hydrogen peroxide. Mix 40 ml of rose water with 10 gms of glycerin and 50 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide, and rub it on your nails using a cotton ball drenched with this mixture.
    2. To make your hands silky soft, use jojoba oil, and you can use aloe extract to heal the cracks which you may get during cold weather around your cuticles.

  1. Love,
  2. Nikita Keskar

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  1. As there are many tips and tricks for growing the beautiful nails as make your nail polish long lasting by using the vinegar an apply the oil on the nails and try to avoid the nail bitting and using the shinner on the nails as they will give you the classy look.


